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May 27, 2023

Principles do not respect the economy

Principles do not respect the economy

Principles do not respect skin color

Principles ONLY respect people who do this...

A grain of corn when planted in the right environment will grow no matter the state of the economy. The grain of corn will grow in Africa just as it will grow in America despite the difference between the economic conditions in African countries and the economic conditions in North American countries.

A grain of corn will grow when planted by a black person just as it will grow when planted by a white person.

Principles ONLY respect people who take ACTION.

I recommend you take ACTION today to implement the principle of SEED, TIME, and HARVEST.

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer, and winter, day and night will never cease.”- Genesis 8:22 NIV

Here are some seeds you can sow today:
1. Time
2. Value
3. Listening

Whatever harvest you desire, sow the necessary seed and the harvest is guaranteed after a period of time. What seed will you sow today? Let me know in the comment.

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